RescueTechs, LLC focuses on training that prepares students to be able to effectively and safely do the job “in the street”. We offer various program topic areas and will consider requests for custom training programs based on your training objectives. We work with interested sponsoring agencies to schedule courses for in-house delivery for our programs.
All programs are continually reviewed and updated to meet various standards, protocols, and current trends in the given topic.
Click on the links below to learn about some of our available programs. If would like to schedule any of these programs, or other training such as hazardous materials, incident command / management, specialized technical rescue, or specialized emergency medical services training programs, please contact us, and we can assist you. We will develop customized training to meet your specific training objectives!

Vehicle / Machinery Rescue
Our vehicle and machinery rescue programs are designed to place a strong emphasis on the knowledge and technique of general extrication operations, vehicle anatomy, equipment planning, advanced winching, moving, and lifting operations, resource planning, integrated operations and mass casualty planning, and response.
These programs utilize the job performance requirements contained in NFPA 1006-2021 and can be delivered at the awareness, operations, or technician level.
Farm / Agricultural Emergency Training
The farm/agricultural environment can pose unique challenges to public safety personnel. The equipment used in agriculture today ranges from the newest modern equipment to equipment that can be 60-70 years old. Regardless of vintage, this equipment poses hazards to both farm workers and public safety responders. These courses will teach emergency responders how to effectively manage these emergencies without causing further harm to the patient or harm to the rescuers and bystanders.
Our program offerings offer a diversity of challenging training for responders, and many of these programs can be grouped together to provide a cost-effective solution for sponsor agencies.

Other Training Solutions
RescueTechs LLC offers a wide variety of customized training solutions for agencies. We can offer a wide variety of programs, that are tailored to your agency’s specific training objectives and goals.
Topics can include rope rescue, confined space rescue, various engine and truck company programs, incident command and management, and others.
To discuss custom training, please contact us!
RescueTechs LLC offers EMS-specific training programs. These programs are/can be submitted for PA EMS continuing education credits. If your agency has a specific topic or idea not listed, please contact us and we can develop a program to meet your specific continuing education needs.